As part of the University of Derby, Buxton & Leek College is driven by the following Strategic Framework:
From the heart of England, we empower people across the globe to achieve their potential and make a positive contribution to society.
Everything we do is driven by delivering excellence and opportunities for our students, staff and region.
What we do and how we do it through to 2030 will be shaped by our Principles, against which all strategic and tactical decisions will be made to ensure Derby is best placed to succeed for its students, staff and region. This success will be achieved by:
- Moulding the next generation of game changers: Our students will benefit from a high quality learning environment, pioneering use of modern learning methods, access to diverse and exciting opportunities, and a continually evolving suite of services and support covering all aspects of their lives.
- Being a force for positive impact: Working with others, and with the full commitment of our staff and students, we will raise aspirations and improve the education, skills, health and well-being of current and future generations across our region.
- Opening doors for everyone: We offer a varied curriculum for all ages, abilities and ambitions, from Entry Level through to Degree level.
- Value people: We are true ambassadors of our purpose and promises.
- Bold: We create a reputation where industry relies on us for their potential, innovation and gateways to success.
- Future focused: Our determination, knowledge and positive attitude keeps us engaged in the world around us and ahead of the game.
- Brilliance: We create stimulating environments that transform prospects.We believe we all make the difference.
BRITISH VALUES are also embedded through our policies & procedures and are defined by the Government.
Our Students will develop an understanding of these values through their work in lessons, Evolve programme, enrichment opportunities and College events, examples are outlined below:
- DEMOCRACY e.g. students can elect a course rep to represent them on key issues, student voice including online surveys and focus groups.
- RULE OF LAW e.g. following H&S requirements, arriving on time and attending lessons, wearing lanyards, completing and handing work in on time.
- INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY e.g. Tutorials on Prevent & British Values, one to one guidance and individual learning plans.
- MUTUAL RESPECT e.g. adhering to College code of conduct & behaviour policy, behave appropriately and look after the College environment.
- TOLERANCE OF THOSE WITH DIFFERENT FAITHS AND BELIEFS e.g. themed & national events, celebrating equality & diversity, space for all faiths and none.
We also ensure that academic and support staff live and embed British Values within their roles through ongoing training.