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James Shemmeld

James Shemmeld studied the Access to Higher Education, Healthcare pathway at Buxton & Leek College, followed by a Paramedic Science course at University and is now working as a Paramedic for the West Midlands Ambulance Service in Stafford.

As a mature student James had been away from education for a while. The Access course gave him the underpinning knowledge to reference effectively, source information from both books and the Internet and gave him the confidence in his ability to write academically.

As part of the course he studied Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Psychology, Sociology and Study Skills which gave him the knowledge and key skills required to become a Paramedic.
James commented: “As a Paramedic, I constantly refer back what I learned on my course especially when diagnosing, treating or making the decision to discharge patients.

“The course has helped me to have a better understanding of social aspects of different cultures, beliefs, principles and values as well as understand body language, facial expressions and reactions. I believe that without the knowledge I gained from the Access course I would not be able to practise as a Healthcare Professional effectively.

“The staff and support network at the College was second to none and I, without a doubt, feel that I would not be where I am today without the support from all of the staff involved in my learning.”